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    We are a non-profit, interdenominational ministry that serves on college campuses in Charleston, SC. Our mission is “Glorifying God by Building Laborers on the College Campus for the Lost World.” We seek to follow Jesus’ model of loving the masses while investing in a few in order to reach the nations. This discipleship takes place through life-on-life relationships, as college men and women come to know Christ and then mature in their relationship with Him. Our desire is for our graduates to labor for a lifetime within their families and careers throughout the world.

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    We host events for college students throughout the year because we want you to know Jesus deeply and grow in your faith.



    Kick off the school year over a weekend connecting with other Charleston region students and learning more about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.



    Join Charleston college students as they accompany other East Coast regions in ringing in the New Year and learning more about what it looks like to follow Jesus.



    Spend a weekend in the mountains full of fun activities and geared towards spiritual growth. Free day activities include skiing, snowboarding, hiking, basketball tournaments, and shopping.



    Join us for this summer-long event! The focus of the event is to establish and equip believers in their faith through Bible study, evangelism training, and Christian fellowship.

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